Wednesday, March 21, 2012



Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bamboo salt

Someone told me bamboo salt can help to cure sickness that due to high intake of acidic food. According to the catalog and information given by that person, sodium chloride is acidic and sodium is acidic. As a chemist, we all know that sodium chloride is neutral and sodium is an alkaline metal. They even use methyl orange to prove that sodium chloride is acidic and bamboo salt is basic. They have testing report from Singhealth to support their product is good for health. In fact, the testing report only shows that there is no heavy metal (Mercury, Lead, and etc.) in the bamboo salt. They said that table salt is a high sodium salt which is bad for human health. The question is, how to have high sodium salt? The amount of sodium ion is higher than amount of chloride ion? We all know that one sodium ion combine with one chloride ion will give one sodium chloride compound. So, how to have high sodium salt? And, one mole of sodium hydroxide (Basic) react with one mole of hydrochloric acid will produce one mole of sodium chloride and one mole of water. Sodium chloride is neutral. I am thinking that for those who do not have chemistry knowledge, after approached by direct sales of bamboo salt will believe that sodium chloride is acidic and sodium is acidic. This is misleading.

Monday, March 19, 2012



Saturday, September 5, 2009



Thursday, September 3, 2009


从五岁上幼稚园,七岁上小学,十三岁上中学,十八岁上大学先修班,二十岁上大学,到今年二十五岁硕士毕业,共念了二十一年的书,终于毕业了!辛苦了多年终于学有所成, 过去的付出都得到了回报。想起过去学生时代的情景觉得很感触,很想念当学生的滋味。走出校园,踏入社会,犹如踏入人生第二阶段,回首学生时代恍如隔世。处于人生转捩点的我,百般滋味在心头。以前,读书是为了考试; 现在,读书是为了自我充实。我终于明白何谓书到用时方恨少的道理,亦更加明白做人比做事更为重要。懂得人情世故比熟读四书五经来的更有用。